Product Q&A from our master distiller, Alberto Herrera


Must be present at time of delivery
Must be 21+

Where we CANNOT ship:


Return Policy

We do not accept returns. If there is an issue or error with the shipment, please contact the shipping company directly (i.e. UPS, FedEx, USPS, etc.) See “Shipping & Returns” for more information

Is INSÓLITO certified gluten-free?

We have not been certified gluten-free however we are made with 100% blue agave which contains zero sugar and our tequila-making process is natural, meaning we do not add in other ingredients.

Is INSÓLITO certified organic?

We are not certified organic

Does INSÓLITO contain nuts or other known food allergens?

Our tequila does not contain nuts or other food allergens. When we describe the taste or flavor profile of our tequilas, we may refer to food items as a representation of that particular profile. For example, our Añejo profile notes flavors of nuts and chocolate. But there are no actual nuts or chocolates added to the tequila; the aging process naturally brings forth those flavors.

For fermentation, we add yeast (saccharomyses cerevisiae) which can be an allergen, but you may consider that since tequila is a spirit, the yeast dies off at the end of fermentation. Once we distill, all of the yeast remnants disappear.

Does INSÓLITO contain sugar?

Pure agave tequila is low in sugar and contains zero carbohydrates. We use 100% blue weber agave. No other sugars are added in the process of making our tequila.

Do you have merch for sale?

We currently do not have merch for sale, but we definitely have that on our list of priorities.

Where can I purchase your product in my zip code?

Check out our finder on our website to search by your zip code. We will be adding more states throughout the year.

Where can I buy INSÓLITO?

Online, we can ship to all 50 states. On the ground, we are currently for sale in AZ, CA, CO, FL, GA, IL, IN, KY, MD, MI, NV, SC, TN, TX, WA, WI, as well as Australia and South Africa (5/2023).

I’m overseas, can I get INSÓLITO shipped to me?

INSÓLITO is not licensed to be sold internationally, therefore it is unlawful to ship outside of the United States. We have big goals, so we’ll never say never!

Do you have an Extra Añejo?

Not yet… SUBSCRIBE TO OUR EMAIL list to be the first to know!

Do you have a question we haven’t answered here? Reach out to us at

And as always, keep it INSÓLITO and please drink responsibly.